Genetic mutation is a cause of cancer
Genetic mutation
Genetic mutation is a common cause of cancer. At first Stanford University researcher found that the unique important cause of cancer is genetic mutation. Genetic mutation is a permanant alteration of DNA sequence. In simply to say that genetic mutation is changes in the DNA sequence. But we know that mutation is a normal process in animals and plants. For the cause of genetic mutation the diversity of animals and plants causes.
Not each of the molecular changes we can say as mutation. Such types of molecular change that affect the nucleic acid we may refer as genetic mutation.
Nucleic acid is the main component of DNA. But in terms of Virus nucleic acid is the building block of both RNA and DNA.
In terms of evolutionary concept to survibal need somatic mutation happens.Somatic is the body related. Soma means body and it is a greek word.
As same cancer caused due to somatic mutation. cell mutation due to the survival need.
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